February 10, 2011


I have to say; I am a complete bookworm when I’m not at school, which is mainly because I never have time to read while schools in session. I decided to take a day and go to downtown Sarasota and visit the library for the first time. I don’t have a car and couldn’t find a ride, so I ended up taking the bus. I haven’t taken the bus since freshman year, and now I remember why exactly. That first year I didn’t really know any better and I had a lot more time to spare and always wanted to get off-campus.

I learned the SCAT bus routes and I still remember it, and how terrible it is. One of the things that stood out most to me about the transportation system is that there are lots of bus stops, but they’re located in the worst possible places. Many of them simply consist of a sign on the side of the road where there isn’t any cover or even a bench for people to sit on.

Anyway, I went to the library to have a look around and ended up getting myself a library card. It was different from the libraries I go to back home, but mainly in the layout because I’ve never been in one that had two floors instead of one main room.

On the way to the library a homeless person asking me for some quarters for the bus fare had stopped me, and I didn’t have any to give him. He ended up going over to a couple that was walking in the park and got some money from them. Then when I left the library over two hours later I saw that he was still in the park, and still asking for money for the “bus.”

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