January 26, 2011


I was so excited I was able to go to the beach! My roommates told me they were planning to head out and asked if I had time to come with them. I didn’t know if I could because I had some character and environment designs due, but I ended up going anyway. Sometimes you just need to take a day, or even a few hours, to relax and have some fun. All work and no play makes Alex a psycho girl.

So we packed up a few sandwiches and drinks to have a picnic lunch on the beach at Lido. The last time I’ve been to the beach was last August before school started while moving my stuff down here. The water was pretty cold so I didn’t do much swimming, and instead just soaked up some vitamin D. I spend hours upon hours a day in the third floor of the Student Center where there are no windows whatsoever, so I’ve really missed the sun.

I didn’t really see anything all that interesting while I was at the beach, it was just the regular families and people out and about. The annoying and ever-present seagulls were there of course and got too close to stealing my food. It’s strange how they aren’t scared of people whatsoever; it kind of reminds me of Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds in a way.

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