March 3, 2011

Pitch Adventure

This week the only time I was able to get off campus was yesterday with a group of friends in the CA department. We all met in North Hall to try and brainstorm some story ideas for our second Pre-Production pitch. After about an hour of not having much success we ended up deciding that we needed some ice cream to stimulate our brain cells out of hibernation, so we all piled into Jackie Hines' car and drove to Coldstone on Main Street.

The last time I went there was probably close to a year ago. I've been across the street to the Hollywood 20 movie theater a couple times since the beginning of the school year, but that's about it. Nothing had really changed that I noticed. Although, at Coldstone there was only one woman working behind the counter and we had a large group of about twelve people so obviously it took a little while before we all got our ice cream. There's a very nice fountain just around the corner that we found and ended up playing at for a bit before sitting down and trying to brainstorm again. But yet AGAIN, we didn't have much luck until a friend mentioned a board game he has that would help us come up with ideas.

Oh, and I finally found out where the Sarasota Courthouse is located. We’ve talked about it in class a couple times but I never had seen it before. It’s a rather pretty building and the little garden out front was very nice.

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